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This is my story

I found my love for art when I was reluctantly placed into an art class in middle school. My ever talented art teacher, and friend to this day, inspired me and gave me a love for art and for watercolor. I continued with art classes through high school and college, graduating with a degree in Art Education from the University of North Texas.


I received a scholarship to study in Europe for my Master’s degree and had the privilege to study watercolor with artist, Rob Erdle; graduating with a Master’s in Art Education with a concentration in watercolor. I have also had the honor of learning from Renaissance style painter, Frank Covino, focusing on oil painting in classical styles.


I started a business called, The Art Experience, in 2000. Through my business, I teach art through various venues and create art experiences for corporate trainings and events along with fun, small group events.


I love volunteering and teaching!


My artistic journey

As for my artistic journey, it has been an emotional struggle.  I was once told at the beginning of my career, “I’ve realized that you are not an artist, you’re just an art teacher.” That offhanded comment drastically changed how I looked at who I was and what I did. It was a crippling mental block for me and I spent the next 20 years struggling with the idea of whether or not I was actually an artist, or as stated, “just an art teacher”. In all that time, I didn’t create art for myself. Anything I created was for the classroom, to learn a new skill, for a commission, gifts, or for a client. That comment still sits in the forefront of my mind, allowing self doubt to overcloud my journey.


Around 2018, I decided to become more involved in the art world and do something for myself. I joined the board of a local arts group and began surrounding myself with other artists and began creating art that resonates with my passions, my anxious mind, and my soul. Finally, what I am creating is more of an expression of who I am. I have been enjoying the journey and even the struggle of expressing myself through my artwork and not merely creating work for other people. Perhaps, I can now call myself an artist.


At the beginning of 2023, I began creating my Metamorphosis series. This collection is a journey of overcoming fear and embracing who I am. It's the story of becoming an artist and learning to accept myself. These paintings chronicle my struggle with self-doubt and my path to self-acceptance as an artist.


What I love most about the Metamorphosis series is how each person sees their own story within the brushstrokes. Each of us struggles at some point to become who we truly are, to accept circumstances beyond our control or embrace life altering challenges, and I am moved by the stories people share with me about how these paintings speak to them.



The art connection

Art can help us connect not only with each other but within ourselves. I want people to connect with my art and see their stories within each piece; art allows us to see hope, joy, beauty, as well as  struggle and pain. I want my art to resonate with the viewer and start an inner dialog. I hope people can find a voice, find peace, find strength, and find beauty in each piece.


I would love to hear how a piece of my  artwork has moved you.  Please share your stories of how you have connected with a painting. 


Enjoy browsing my gallery and I hope to hear from you,



My mural at Lincoln Center in Dallas, Texas

Tell me your story

I'd love to hear about how you've connected with a piece of my art! Also feel free to send questions, ask about available artwork or discuss a commission.

Thanks for sharing!

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